3 Step ladder-free gutter cleaning with your leaf blower


Each year in the U.S., about 300 people die from ladder-related injuries[1] with more than 500,000 people being hospitalized[2]. 97 percent of these injuries occur at home or on farms. More than 2.1 million people needed to be hospitalized, about twice the overall admission rate for consumer-product related injuries[3].

Nowadays, millions of battery powered wireless security cameras are mounted on unreachable heights, introducing a new source of increasing risk. People climb ladders to:

  • Mount security cameras
  • Periodically retrieve and recharge cameras
  • Place the camera back into place after changing
  • Maneuver and operate cameras

ArloCatcher is here to fix that. 

We develop security camera catching tools, helping security camera users to remotely retrieve, mount back and adjust angle of security cameras from the ground. We develop gutter and roof cleaning solutions to make it no ladder required. With ArloCatcher, we plan to avoid climbing ladder for recharging battery powered cameras, clean gutter and downspout, clean roof, decreasing people's risks of getting ladder related body injury.

[1] CDC, National Center for Health Statistics [2017]. 
[2] US Consumer Product Safety Commission [2014].
[3] PubliMed.gov.